LDR Char Pit -  The American Burger Joint

LDR Char Pit - The American Burger Joint

Every town in America has one. Some have more than one. They are iconic. Everyone knows it. Everyone's been there. Rochester has amazing options for burgers and they are staples of their neighborhoods.

Each one has something to differentiate itself. One has better onion rings, another has better meat sauce. What's meat sauce you ask? Well, try to imagine the most delicious burger seasoning and a little bit of beef in sauce form. It is the proverbial glue of a Garbage Plate. What's a Garbage Plate? Well that's an entirely different blog post!

Rochester has plenty of choices when it comes to the classic burger. Sea Breeze had "Hamburger Row". Vic & Irv's battled it out with Don's Original for decades. Then there's Tom Whal's and Bill Gray's, who are actually owned by the same folks. You can't forget to mention Schaller's either. Ask anyone in town and they'll have a favorite.

The LDR Char Pit, in the Charlotte neighborhood of Rochester, is another of the classic burger joints. I remember stopping in as a kid. Burgers were big. Fries were golden. 

It closed around the time of COVID and has yet to return. 

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